Redundancy is when an employer reduces their employees because that particular job is no longer needed.
There are lots of reasons why someone may be redundant, and that is not at all related to the capability of that person. There may be many reasons: (Some of could be applicable at the time of Covid as well).
Introduction of new technology in an organization which may force reduction in workforce
Cost cutting drive in the company
Organization is closing down or moving
Organization has been taken over by another company
There was a time when redundancy is considered a tragedy today it is not as lifelong employment with the same organization is less likely (most of us today change minimum 4~5 jobs in our overall career span). Please remember, at this stage your mindset has to be positive instead of thinking “Why me”, and wasting energy and risking the goodwill of friends by talking about unfair treatment you received. People must continue to hunt for a new job.
Dealing with Redundancy
Please remember that it is your job that is being redundant not you. So, rise up again as you have those skills set and capabilities and look for alternate job or career. Yes, this is a very emotional moment and many may come under stress so you will have to make a list of good times and dwell on them- Have the spirit of 1000 reasons to smile instead of 100 reasons to cry.
Tips to handle Redundancy
Organize yourself
Rebuild your confidence
Look for alternate career options
Ensure that your expense must be less than your income
Lastly, remember one thing as Charles Swindoll said “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% How you react to it…
Dr Praveen Srivastava, Business Coach & Management Consultant
Recipient of Philip Kotler excellence award in the area of Consulting and Training
