At some stage in our professional career, many of us experience a mid-career crisis because staying in jobs is no longer satisfying or rewarding. This typically occurs between 15 to 25 years of Corporate or working experience. Some have regrets about paths not taken or serious professional missteps, others may feel a sense of boredom or futility in their ongoing streams of work. The answer isn’t always to find a new job or lobby for a promotion. You need to know How to deal this crisis.
Some ways could be to focus on personal thought time and daydreaming which can help you explore your options, but guided thinking exercises direct your thoughts in more concrete, helpful directions.
Few steps:
· Rebuild your confidence
· Learn to handle your emotions and behavior
· Find a mentor
· Organize your self
· Take stock of situation i.e. who you are, what are your strength and weaknesses, training needs, goals, priorities, then start redesigning your future.
· Research your alternate career options based on your skills , liking and demand in that area.
· Consider financial issues involved in choosing a second career.
· Avoid too much thinking about past whatever is gone will never come back. Plan your present.
Dr Praveen Srivastava , Business Coach, management consultant and Growth specialist
Recipient of Philip Kotler Award in the area of Consulting and Training
